Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Okotoks Physical Therapy offers in-home appointments

We understand that with injury or illness it can be challenging for clients to safely access the clinic location, therefore we provide the option for in-home treatment.

The therapist will travel to the client’s home to perform the initial assessment. The initial assessment is very similar to in-clinic visits. At the start of the appointment, the physiotherapist will ask a variety of questions. These questions allow the therapist to understand the reason for the visit, type of injury, symptoms, current activity levels, and past injuries. 

The therapist will also inquire about activities the client is aiming to resume. A physical assessment will then be completed. This includes observations of movement such as walking, balance, specific joint movements, strength, and mobility around the home.

The therapist will provide information to the client regarding their injury or illness and available treatment options to assist with recovery. Treatment options include many of the same services offered within the clinic, such as manual therapy, acupuncture, massage, taping, and exercise prescription. A strong emphasis is placed on client education and self management. The therapist will provide advice on activity modifications, reduction of fall risk, and pain management strategies. Based on the client’s goals and current level of mobility, an exercise program that can be safely completed at home will be developed. The schedule for further physiotherapy sessions is dependent on symptoms and client goals. Clients may choose to access the clinic location once they feel confident with mobility within the community.

There are many different conditions that can be assessed within the home setting, including:

  • Mobility impairments

  • Fall Risk

  • Fractures

  • Surgery

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Vestibular Conditions

  • Neurological Conditions

Home-based Physiotherapy visits are billed privately. Government funded programs must be accessed through the clinic location. Our administration staff are available to answer any questions regarding scheduling appointments and billing arrangements. Contact the clinic at (403) 938-2644.