Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy is hands-on treatment technique in which the therapist mobilizes a joint, muscle, or connective tissue, with pressure from their hands. By applying a specific type of pressure, the therapist facilitates movement of stiff joints and tight muscles.

The gentle pressure applied by the therapist can reduce tissue sensitivity and pain levels. After a period of immobilization, such as time spent in a cast, it is normal to experience joint stiffness and muscle tightness. Manual therapy techniques are effective at improving restricted movement and are used in conjunction with other treatment techniques. Our therapists will select the most appropriate technique based on the client’s symptoms and presentation.

As the client’s pain levels decrease and mobility improves, the therapist will adapt the technique. After a manual therapy technique is applied, the client is provided with activity advice and a home exercise program. Improvements made within a treatment session are maintained and enhanced by exercises performed at home. Our therapists combine evidence-based practice with years of clinical experience when deciding which manual therapy technique will be most effective.

At Okotoks Physical Therapy, our therapists have experience with a variety of manual therapy techniques, including:

  • Joint mobilization

  • Joint mobilization with movement

  • Joint manipulation

  • Soft tissue release

  • Soft tissue release with movement

  • Trigger point release

  • Cupping

  • Cupping with movement

  • Scar massage

  • Instrument assisted massage

  • Muscle energy techniques