Passionate – Dedicated – Professional


Acupuncture is the insertion of small needles through the skin. The needles activate a healing response from the body’s nervous system and trigger a release of chemicals that help reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture is not only used to reduce pain and inflammation, but also to stimulate blood flow, promote healing, and reduce muscle tension. During an acupuncture session, the client is assisted into a comfortable position and the needles are left in place for a set period of time.

Our Physical Therapists have received acupuncture certification through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada. They use acupuncture in conjunction with other physical therapy treatment techniques, including manual therapy, taping, and exercise prescription.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is the insertion of a small needle into a muscle in order to release shortened bands of muscle tissue and to decrease trigger point activity. Trigger points are tension spots, or ‘knots’ in the muscle. They are tender to touch and often refer pain to nearby areas of the body. Trigger points may develop in response to trauma, strain, overuse, or muscle weakness. Dry needling helps reduce muscle tension and pain generated from trigger points; it also makes the muscle tissue more responsive to other types of treatments such as massage and exercise.

Our therapists have received Functional Dry Needling training through KinetaCore, and they use dry needling in conjunction with other treatment techniques.